Yeah, yeah. "Oh, you're just hatin' bro. No one else cares about your music so it doesn't matter what you think about it. It has nothing to do with you so why do you care so much." Fuck that shit. I'm sick of people daily walking around with a fuckin smug sense of self satisfaction in the idea that they know what music is because they know Top 40 and what's hot right now.
The mainstream, not even just music, but everything, has dropped in quality so hard as of late that there's almost no such thing as originality anymore. People left and right are doing the same things as they used to do because it's a comfort zone to them. Because they're used to it. Because they know it works. That's bullshit.
What happened to people wanting to be pioneers? To wanting to be the next big thing? To make it in this world and do it like no one has ever done before? My problem has nothing to do with how people are doing things once they're big. It's how they're getting there. Now days, everyone has to be able to sing, rap, dance, act, play ball, sell weed, do hair and your taxes all at the same time before they are considered a fuckin star. What happened to the purity? What happened to the actual love of what you do? Producers now don't give a fuck about the key of the beat. Or the tempo and how it affects how the track is going to sound. No one really gives a fuck about the samples. No one cares about the story anymore. No one wants to be original and take a chance anymore, but at the same time, no one wants to stay true to a story. No one wants the same old same old. So where does it end? What are we supposed to do about it?
Everyone sits in this same puddle of mediocrity and loves it because it sells. I don't get it. At this rate, nothing is going to change. Have we as a people become that shallow that new things don't entice us anymore if they're just going to be thrown away after a year because we want to go back to our usual? All these people talkin about changing the way music and movies are made and viewed and heard forever. But nothing is changing. We still have fast cars and sex. Lots of explosions and guns. Racism, jingoism, and xenophobia. None of those things go away, but rather than praise and accept them for what they are, why not change them like you're trying to say you want to. Don't shun that which is new and different because of what it is, and praise and admire the same recycled bullshit that we get fed to us on a daily basis. The shit makes no sense. Every kid get's sick of peanut butter sandwiches every day and every meal.
So what am I getting at? Nothing. Because no one listens. Shit like this is way too over top of everyone's head. It has nothing to do with me, so it's not something I'm going to get pissed off about. It doesn't affect me directly so it's not my issue. Yeah, and I wasn't part of the Gena 6, but I still felt bad. I wasn't the young man in Houston that got hit by a police car, and proceeded to get stomped the fuck out by 8 police officers, handcuffed, and then beat some more. I'm not any of the millions of people killed in the Holocaust, or any of the people that were brutally raped or killed or BOTH in Nanjing. Nope. It didn't happen to me, and it doesn't affect me directly, so why the fuck should I care?
Think about it.
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